Child abuse is not only physical but emotional and mental. When you curse with profanity toward your child and before them, you are the who needs to be slapped when they repeat it. As you call your child every name but that which was written in on their birth certificate, understand changing their name changes them.  Using names that are degrading and hurtful over time,  the children believes these names are who they are. Done throughout their life, identity crisis will be a true issue in their future. When you expect a 4/5-year-old to manage as a 1o/11 or same as you, you stunt their growth and learning process.

Children are children. Yes, we must teach them, yes we must correct their behavior to learn right from wrong. But please make sure you know right from WRONG way correct and teach. Cursing, yelling, slapping and name call of a young child is abuse. Modeling the exact behavior before your child you correct from exhibiting, understand every child learns from what they see and then from what you say.

In becoming a mother or father, no longer is the status quo just to repeat what how your parents raised you. You may question why because you said you grow up ok. But have you? You have one or two children, unwedded and in some cases has an absentee partner. Your education is least if you completed high school. You’re living off your parents. The newest man willing to sell you food/shelter for sex or you are in a homeless shelter. You have no vision for your life but what your body can bring you. No wish to do more because you only know what you were instructed as a child. Unable to change your mantle because now you are an adult. You are all knowing and no one can tell you something better.

Without knowledge of the struggle our ancestor overcame, we are compelled to repeat them. The Word state in Proverb 29:18a “When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild.” (NLT) We are living with a generation running wild and abusing all generation coming behind them. After years of Kings that strayed away from the Word of God, King Hezekiah return the people of Israel to live before the Lord and His decrees. It is time for many Hezekiah’s’ to rise. Rise in the spirit of LOVE to teach and guide a lost generation how to be young ladies and gentlemen, how to love and respect themselves, how to be the light for the next generation.