Have you set plans into action for preparation for 2020 before the end of 2019? I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. Many speak of resolutions they envision for the year, the first couple of days full of intention. The plans are reasonable, but without a plan to work the purpose, they are only things you wish could possibly happen. But don’t be alarmed if you haven’t, there is still time to make your vision clear for 2020.
Now, this blueprint cannot be written in stone, only the ten commandments never change. As humans, we live in an unpredictable world. For this reason, all your plans must be written to reach achievement. This will allow you to know how to run with them. But they must be fluid enough to adapt to changes as we live each day unaware of what’s before us.
I often state two things, at the beginning of each day I asked God “to order my tongue and my steps that I may accomplish His will for that day.” Then as the day progress and realize how I visioned my day would be like is far from what I am living I state, “Man makes plans but God laughs!” I believe God often changes the execution of our plans, to grow our faith stronger, bless us more or just to protect us from unseen dangers and heartaches.
My prayer for many of you is for you to create a plan to free yourself from past trauma and pain that is destroying the promises that are laying inside of you. My prayer is for you to walk or run into your destiny free from every childhood chain of bondage and broken promises, that you may soar like eagles into your future.

Butterfly Transformation
Start today! Create a chrysalis that will allow you to transform your mindset and behaviors into the person that you were created to be. Shed your old mindset, habits, and disbelief, let a spiritual metamorphosis to bring healing to every area of your life. Disallowed the demons of your past to break you and tell you lies that you had you believing you are unwanted, unworthy of love, have a worthless life, will never amount to anything or anyone and that all that has happened is your fault.
2020 is the year you walk in freedom and soar in the purpose you were created for. Knowing that your past has made you stronger, wiser and equipt for all that lies before you. But leaving that which is behind you to pressing forward your true destiny.
Join me in the Release and Soar Woman’s Coaching group. Together we can transform into the butterfly we were created to be.
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