May this year bring you true love, success and the joy of the Lord. Trust and believe that God is at the helm of your life and everything that you are able to believe will come to pass and watch Him exceed it a million times more than you can imagine. My percentage scale fluctuates but never below 51%, for I am trusting that 2020 is the year that all the dreams and promises God placed in me will come true. 

Have faith in the vision God has given you and join me in walking into this new decade, a new year of promise and prosperity in health, family, business and wealth. I am believing for God to increase my territory, to make me the head and not the tail, the giver and not the borrower. To raise me above the ranks to the destiny He has called me to. This also my belief and prayer for each of you.

May 2020 be the fulfillment of all dreams and desire according to the one and true Kings of Kings, our Creator, and Savior. My prayer for each of us, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Be strong and steady so that you can find your place of stability.  I am your Stabilizer.  Look to Me for direction, guidance, and wisdom.  I will show you where to go and how to get there, says the Lord.  Put your faith and trust in Me.  Proverbs 14:26 In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge.

HAPPY NEW YEAR make 2020 the year the decade of promises fulfilled.