Women with a mother’s heart are selfless with their time, their love, their care for their children, and anyone who needs them.
Let’s be clear, anyone who takes their time, money, and resources to teach, clothe, feed, direct, and support another person is selfless, especially when that person is not their child or in some cases no relationship.
I give thanks to those women who thought it was not robbery to step in the gaps where my birth mother had not. I am grateful for these women who over the years and to this day share their wisdom to guide and teach me.
I applaud all women who understand that it takes a village to raise a family and keep a community healthy and vibrant.
My call to action for you today, as I leave you with every weekend, is to be a little selfish today. But honestly, it is not selfish at all though many will feel like it is.
Take some time just for you. Start today in creating time for some self-care. Time for a bubble bath, or to read a novel, maybe write in a journal, or just close your eyes and dream.
I hope you created your Mother’s Day Affirmation for yourself. If you did, I ask that you share it in my community on Facebook in my Release & Soar Woman’s Community.
You can see all the affirmation for “Mother’s” click on the pages below.
Until next Weekend my wish for each of you is to have Blessed and Happy Mother’s Day!