Today’s word was supposed to be Exceptional, but all I kept thinking about was EMOTIONAL and the stigma that is attached to it. So please bear with me little today as I try to explain.

When a mother laughs or cries over a little child who walks or talks for the first time, society accepts that without fault and joins in on applauding the young child. 

When a child at any age beat cancer or survive any terminal medical diagnoses once again, the world rejoices with that mother. 

But if a mother becomes worked up over watching their child sit a table and feeds themselves at the age to 10 without spilling anything, without overly stuffing their mouth, she looked at by observers like what is the big deal. Yet they don’t know that this child has never sat at table with their parents who are being taken out to eat by the Residential Educational Center, where their child has been for the past eight months.  

Or at graduation, when a mother and teacher hold each other and cry as a student crosses a stage. I have heard others say; it’s not that serious. But they weren’t there the days and nights this child was hooked up to a respirator more time then they were in class. Or another child was escorted home more times by the cops that the mom knew the precinct staff all by name. 

Women are emotional creatures by design. However, too many times, we feel that we must hide those emotions to present are self as strong and stable around others. Others never learned to deal with their or anyone else as a learned behavior that stems from generations deep. But yet we still all have the same emotions. Bottled up or running facet. 

My point is, don’t be ashamed to cry if you need to cry. Tears are known as a cleaning agent. Laugh if you need to laugh, for laughter can heal a sick ridden soul. But flip the coin, let your tears flow when your heart full and ready to burst, and laughter resound as your funny bone has met it’s matched. 

Caring for a child has it high and its lows. That teacher that stays late every day to tutor has a right to cry when the state score comes in, and the child everyone told her was just a waste of time just aced the test. Mom’s have a right to lose their mind when a child that doctors said will never be able to talk say Mommy without any verb prompting. 

Nobody knows your back story, so don’t let anybody tell you how you should show your emotions. You are Emotionally, Exceptionally made, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

What is your ‘E’ word for today?