The other morning, my son asked if I could treat him the way my mother treated me. If you have ever heard my story, you would know that my child was riddled with abuse. I informed my child, that would never happen because I would never abuse him the way I was abuse. Sometimes, his insightfulness surprises me because he said, “but you turned out to be a good person, and I want to be like you.”
I acknowledge how I turned out had more to do with she didn’t do that what she did. That opened up a discussion that explained why I am protective over what anyone and I mean anyone says over my son’s life. I explained how a lot of things my mother said to me caused me to issues into my adult life that I only recently overcame. Problems that I will not knowingly cause him by living or acting in the manner that my mother acted toward my brother or myself growing up or even towards my son the short time we lived with her.
Those that speak with encouraging words, those who understand that praise is remembered more than criticism, know their words are life-giving and life-sustaining.
Mothers are outstanding in all their ways and leave a trail of optimistic views with each soul they touch.
What “O” word would you use to describe yourself today.