I have been part of this wonderful company for more years than I care to mention. Over the years, I have had the wonderful support of fabulous Consultants, Directors, and Nationals. My main support over the years has been from my Director, Future National Juanita Farnum. She has supported me with continuous encouragement, through many challenges that I have had over my career. I have made promises that passed the time I keep and promoted myself to directorship. It passed the time that I use this vehicle as a self-directed investor to create my abundance, my family legacy, and continue to touch lives. It is time I show my appreciation to my director and follow her lead.
I was reading the bio of the Elite Executive National Sales Director with Mary Kay, Inc., Gloria Banks. I have watched her climb over the years to being the No. 1 Afro-American director in Mary Kay. I have watched her lose a diamond bracelet in the middle of talking and just continue talking. But what I didn’t know is that in spite of being a Havard MBA graduate, in spite of overcoming a difficult marriage and divorce and raising her children as a single mother for a number of years, spite of being a life and training coach, and author, we both have dyslexia. I have always admired her, but now I admire her accomplishments even more.
So why haven’t I written my book why have I haven’t taken my business to the next level? Because I have allowed a human sound to derail my ability to soar. Not anymore! It’s time to work for my business with the same dedication and fever that I served the masses with over the last five years within my children’s schools.
I must find out the Pastor who made the statement “when will you use the gift that God has given you to stop blessing others and bless yourself.” It is time to bless the family.
To find out more information, contact me to start a fabulous career. I will connect you with a wonderful direct full of integrity and knowledge to help you grow to the highest level you desire to soar.