For all the moms that can’t hear Happy Mother’s Day from your child. To all the moms that can’t receive a Mother’s Day hug. To all the moms whose child’s words and behavior seem anything but loving at times.

To all the moms who work tirelessly to ensure your child’s needs are provided for regardless of the day or the hour. To all the moms that given birth to God’s special angles. Know that God Loves You and entrusted you with His special blessing. You are Gifted, You are Chosen, You are Loved


Today I Salute you and wish you a very Special Mother’s Day. My prayer is for God’s blessing to shower you and uphold you. For God to continue to give you the daily strength to carry through with the care of your family. To comfort you and give you peace and knowledge to know that you are a wonderful mother, whose heart has been enlarged for such a purpose regardless if you have given birth or open your arms and your home.